RAIGA: GOD OF THE MONSTERS Listed for 02/25/20 DVD Release

Following a limited online Blu-ray and VHS release (both which are still available), RAIGA: GOD OF THE MONSTERS has been listed for a general DVD release and is available for preorder through Amazon.

Extras include SRS Trailers, original trailer, Making Of (in Japanese), and a TV commerical.

SRS Cinema describes the film:
Global warming leads to excessive melting of the southern polar ice cap, disrupting Earth's ecosystem. The receding ice brings long dormant ancient sea creatures back to life, monsters that set their sights on Japan. Among the kaiju is an enormous sea beast the locals refer to as the legendary Raiga. The monster attacks the city of Asakusa, bringing death and destruction as he tramples building and lays waste to the military. Can Raiga be stopped, or will all of Japan be destroyed by his fury?
